Homeschool Preschool Science Lab - Static Electricity

Static Electricity Butterfly Wings

Preschool Science Lab - Static Electricity

Once a month (while it's cold), our Homeschool Group has a Science Lab.  Our Teacher divides the activities into Bigs & Littles -- and my kids are among the littles, so I typically end up teaching that group!  This month, our Littles learned about Static Electricity, while the Bigs made Potato Circuits!

Mama Bear, teaching about Static Electricity

Nope, these things don't attract one another

My kids really like that they have a Science Lab that they can participate in!  I'm really grateful for the time that our teacher invests in the classes too!  We look forward to the Labs!

Little Jack Horner, getting into the experiment

He's so serious sometimes

Raising our hands to answer

Little Jack Horner is only 2 1/2, but he dives right in!  Sometimes he copies what Little Miss Muffet has done, but this time, he sat independent of her, and participated with the kids around him!

Little Miss Muffet found the broken balloon

I'm absolutely terrified of the sound of popping balloons -- so go figure I'd end up teaching this one! And, of course Little Jack Horner was the first to pop a balloon!  HA!  2 popped balloons, and lots of happy kids!  Guess I can survive that!

Trying it again at home, so Mama Bear could get more pics

His hair conducts a LOT of Static

Look at those wings move

Little Miss Muffet, charging her balloon

Really Moving Now

Since Mama Bear was teaching at the Lab, we recreated the activity at home the next day!  It was just as fun to charge up our balloons, and make the butterfly wings move.  For some reason, the yellow butterfly - that Little Miss Muffet had - did not want to move, but we got plenty of enjoyment out of the purple butterfly!  After the original lab - the kids even furthered their experiment, and had lots of fun making their hair staticky, while jumping on the trampoline!!

Until next Month!  In May, we'll start having our labs every other week, so that will be fun too!  


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