
Showing posts from July, 2016

One More Angel in Heaven...

I have waited a while to post, so that I could be certain I had all of my information, and a little healing time too.   On May 27, 2016, Papa Bear and I drove down to Phoenix for a Nuchal Translucency Scan (genetic testing on the baby, since I am of "advanced maternal age").  Our kids were with their godparents, and we drove across town to the office.  The ultrasound tech came out to get us & took us back to the room.  She started with a standard scan - she asked a few questions that concerned me - mainly "you are 13 weeks, right??" After she took some basic measurements, she said she wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound to get a better look.  As I left the room, for a moment, I glanced a piece of information on the screen that clued me in to her concern.  The baby was only measuring 11 weeks, 1 day.  The tech started the 2nd scan, and I noticed the baby wasn't moving at all, and when she ran the radar scan, there was no "heat sense" on the screen - n...