
New Beginnings ... In August ... 2017

INTRODUCING ... BABY BEAR Since I am so, very far behind in our life's story - I figured I would catch up by sharing some pictures and stories about the kids who bless my life.  Baby Bear was born in August 2017, after my saddest loss in 2016.  We know for a fact that he was meant to come, because as his Daddy went to cut his umbilical cord, it was so large & strong, that it was a challenge to cut.  If you remember, the reason I lost the baby in 2016 was because her umbilical cord was twisted & too small.  So - I believe that she sent him to us with all of the strength that she didn't have.   We count this little rainbow baby an immense blessing, as the conclusion of our family!   He was immediately adored by Daddy Bear, Sister Bear & Brother Bear, and all of his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles & Cousins, too.   I spent 2 days in the hospital (standard stay with a c-section), just getting to know him, with his Da...

Pregnancy After Loss -- A first Mother's Day without her...

I know it has been a long time since I posted.  It has been such a wild time, and I wasn't sure I knew what to say.  I found out, just before Christmas 2016, that I was pregnant again.  Pregnant with a Rainbow baby....  (a child born after a loss, the answered prayers after a storm). Today, Mother's Day, I am 26-weeks pregnant with my Rainbow Son.  Third trimester;  a point I never reached with Ada Leigh.  I am nearly twice as far into this pregnancy, as I was with her. You know, I am fortunate - blessed even, to have two living, wonderful children!  But, in the back of my mind, my Angel child lurks.  I search for happiness, while knowing she should be here -- in my arms, playing with her siblings, and enjoying the pool - like we did today! I am thankful for the reassurance that she is with God. That gives my heart a little peace.  And feeing my newly expected son, kicking & wiggling, has made a world of difference today. I h...

When Life Rocks the Boat, and You end up Treading Water...

I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long.  After I lost the baby in June, I shut down.  I found myself in depression worse than I've dealt with since I was first diagnosed.  Even Post-partum depression, which I suffered greatly after Little Jack Horner was born, paled in comparison.   I am beyond grateful for the family and friends who stood by my side, held my hand, watched me cry & break down, and just stuck around.  That wasn't everyone, though.  A few friends decided that it was too much for them to handle & vanished from my life.   As summer came to a close, our Homeschool journey began.  Life began to roll into a full swing.  My Bible Study & Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) groups resumed & life. went. on.  Without my baby.   Little Miss Muffet started playing soccer this year!  Her Dad & I coached the team!  She was a superstar & really enjoyed it.  Little Jack Horner is desperate to...

One More Angel in Heaven...

I have waited a while to post, so that I could be certain I had all of my information, and a little healing time too.   On May 27, 2016, Papa Bear and I drove down to Phoenix for a Nuchal Translucency Scan (genetic testing on the baby, since I am of "advanced maternal age").  Our kids were with their godparents, and we drove across town to the office.  The ultrasound tech came out to get us & took us back to the room.  She started with a standard scan - she asked a few questions that concerned me - mainly "you are 13 weeks, right??" After she took some basic measurements, she said she wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound to get a better look.  As I left the room, for a moment, I glanced a piece of information on the screen that clued me in to her concern.  The baby was only measuring 11 weeks, 1 day.  The tech started the 2nd scan, and I noticed the baby wasn't moving at all, and when she ran the radar scan, there was no "heat sense" on the screen - n...